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peaceful uses of outer space

См. также в других словарях:

  • United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space — The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was established in 1958 (shortly after the launch of Sputnik) as an ad hoc committee. In 1959 it was formally established by United Nations resolution… …   Wikipedia

  • United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space — Der Ausschuss für die friedliche Nutzung des Weltraums (engl. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, COPUOS) ist der Weltraumausschuss der Vereinten Nationen (VN). Dieser ständige Ausschuss wurde von der Generalversammlung der VN am 12.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Outer space — For other uses, see Outer space (disambiguation). The boundaries between the Earth s surface and outer space, at the Kármán line, 100 km (62 mi) and exosphere at 690 km (430 mi). Not to scale Outer space is the void that exists beyond any… …   Wikipedia

  • Outer Space Treaty — ▪ 1967 formally  Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies        (1967), international treaty binding the parties to use outer space only for… …   Universalium

  • Outer Space Treaty — Der Weltraumvertrag (orig.: „Vertrag über die Grundsätze zur Regelung der Tätigkeiten von Staaten bei der Erforschung und Nutzung des Weltraums einschließlich des Mondes und anderer Himmelskörper“) wurde am 27. Januar 1967 auf Grund der Erklärung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs — UNOOSA Logo …   Wikipedia

  • Space law — is an area of the law that encompasses national and international law governing activities in outer space. International lawyers have been unable to agree on a uniform definition of the term outer space, although most lawyers agree that outer… …   Wikipedia

  • Space debris — populations seen from outside geosynchronous orbit (GEO). Note the two primary debris fields, the ring of objects in GEO, and the cloud of objects in low earth orbit (LEO) …   Wikipedia

  • Space Jurisdiction — Space jurisdiction, a field addressing what countries can enforce various laws in space, is becoming more important every day as the private sector begins to enter the field of space tourism. According to the Agreement Governing the Activities of …   Wikipedia

  • Space Generation Advisory Council — (SGAC) o Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Application es una organización no gubernamental que funciona como una red global de gente interesada en el espacio. Auna los intereses de la juventud …   Wikipedia Español

  • space exploration — Investigation of the universe beyond Earth s atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany s research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to… …   Universalium

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